These are very cute fridge magnets for Mother's Day gifts. You can also use them to decorate a little girls room, adorn a package gift, or use as a party game (i love to use these for Easter School Parties). Unfortunately with the hot glue, this project is not recommended to be done by small children.
Hot glue & hot Glue Gun
crochet flower potholder
pipe cleaner (any color)
1. Fold floral potholder in half.
2. Fold pipe cleaner in half.
3. Twist the bent end about 1 inch from fold (4-8 times; depending on tightness).
4. Insert the folded potholder in between the pipe cleaner (resting on top of twist).
5. Twist the top of the pipe cleaner to form antenna.
Supplies to make game:
Butterfly magnets (number of children participating)
Cookie sheet
Letter stickers: E-A-S-T-E-R
5 Prizes
Directions to make game:
1. Place a sticker on magnet of 5 butterflies.
2. Place magnets on cookie sheet (number of children participating).
Directions to play game:
1. Have everyone pick a Butterfly magnet. These will be their little treat to keep.
2. Have everyone look at the magnet of their butterfly.
3. Have the children with the stickers come to the front.
4. Set time (30 seconds) to have them look at letters and have them guess what the letters combined spell.
5. If they guess in time allocated they win the prizes. Award prizes.
* I like to spell EASTER. You can use any words. (Ex.: S-P-R-I-N-G, F-U-N, B-U-N-N-Y, Name of a child, ...)
* Found same beautiful project online on Robin gives pattern and great directions.
* Marie Pedersen at has very simple tutorial. You will love her clear instructions and photos.
* Very fun to use at parties. Great for school party were can use school colors or a little girl's birthday party were she can choose her favorite colors.
Enjoy this game. Have fun.
Teacher Appreciation Week 2020 begins Monday, May 4th and ends on Friday, May 8th.
Please honor our teachers and recognize the lasting contributions they make to our lives.